Aiming to meet the uncompromising expec-tations of our users all over the world, we continuously strive to develop and improve the well-known build quality and finish of the COPLAND range of audio products.Designing audio equipment presents us with an integral paradox: How to scientifically approach an audio system that is to perform as a medium of art. As with other art forms, our perception and appreciation of music would seem to defy logi-cal classifications and structural thinking, and yet, these are scientific principles that an audio designer must use as a basis for evaluating sound quality.The audio designer is a performer of science and craftsmanship: However, his work must be carried out with artistic devotion and commitment. This pursuit of excellence is at the centre of the COPLAND design philosophy, and we are convinced that you will discover our commitment to it, when you experience your favourite music through COPLAND equipment.

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COPLAND CSA 70                                                     Listino ufficiale   3.000,00

Amplificatore integrato a stato solido con DAC. Stadio finale di potenza aMosfet da 2 x 70W su 8 ohm, retroazionato in corrente. Convertitore D/A ES9018 Reference a 32-bit inconfigurazione quad-mono, compatibile DSD. Ingressi digitali: 2 ottici, 1 coassiale e 1 USB.Ingressi analogici: 3 RCA. Ingresso Phono MM. Uscita pre-out RCA e Line Out RCA. Uscita cuffia con stadio di amplificazione dedicato. Volume analogico motorizzato. Telecomando in dotazione. Finitura Nera o Silver. Peso: 13Kg

COPLAND CSA 100                                                   Listino ufficiale   4.200,00

Amplificatore integrato ibrido con DAC. Stadio finale di potenza aMosfet da 2 x 100W su 8ohm, retroazionato in corrente e alimentato da uno stadio preamplificatore a valvola a triodo (6922). Convertitore D/A ES9018 Reference a 32-bit in configurazione quad-mono,compatibile DSD. Ingressi digitali: 2 ottici, 1 coassiale e 1 USB. Ingresso Bluetooth aptXopzionale. Ingressi analogici: 3 RCA e 1 XLR. Ingresso Phono MM. Uscita pre-out RCA.Uscita cuffia con stadio di amplificazione dedicato. Telecomando in dotazione. Finitura Nerao Silver. Peso: 14Kg.

COPLAND CSA 150                                                  Listino ufficiale   5.200,00

Amplificatore integrato ibrido con DAC. Stadio finale di potenza aMosfet da 2 x 150W su 8 ohm, retroazionato in corrente e alimentato da uno stadio preamplificatore a valvola a triodo (6922). Convertitore D/A ES9018 Reference a 32-bit in configurazione quad-mono, compatibile DSD. Ingressi digitali: 2 ottici, 1 coassiale e 1 USB. Ingresso Bluetooth aptX opzionale. Ingressi analogici: 3 RCA e 1 XLR. Ingresso Phono MM. Uscita pre-out RCA. Uscita cuffia con stadio di amplificazione dedicato. Telecomando in dotazione. Finitura Nera o Silver. Peso: 15Kg.

COPLAND CTA 408                                                   Listino ufficiale   6.500,00

Il CTA 408 è l’evoluzione dei primigenii CTA 405 e CTA 405A amplificatori integrati che -lo ricordiamo- hanno avuto un incredibile successo di pubblico. Erano dei 50 watt nominali per canale dotati di quattro tubi KT88 il 405, e KT-120 la versione A. Dopo numerosi anni di gestazione, il nuovo CTA 408 75 + 75 W RMS con le nuovissime KT150 per una ancora maggiore potenza rispetto ai predecessori, ma senza perdere nulla della magia che ne decretò il successo Poderoso lo stadio di alimentazione, dotato di toroidale completamente rivisto per venire incontro alle maggiori esigenze di corrente delle KT150. Grazie a queste ultime è stato possibile aumentare notevolmente il bias di funzionamento e permettere al CTA 408 un funzionamento in classe A fino a qualche Watt, auto-commutanti in classe AB per i 75W di targa. Per la sezione di preamplificazione e driver sono presenti due 6072A/12AY7, e due 6922, mentre quattro rimangono le E83CC per lo stadio phono (MM/MC alta uscita). È poi presente un’uscita cuffia ad alte prestazioni con una sezione di amplificazione dedicata a stato solido in classe A.La componentistica è superselezionata come nella migliore tradizione Copland, con un inedito trasformatore d'uscita lineare da 5Hz a 100KHz. Dal punto di vista estetico seppure simile nella cifra rispetto ai modelli che manda in pensione, qualche cosa è cambiata. Le dimensioni sono cresciute, e sulla parte superiore del pannello frontale è spuntata un’elegante griglia di aerazione molto ampia, mentre la parte bassa è rimasta simile, con due grosse manopole per volume e ingressi, tasto tape e stand-by e al centro il quadro sinottico e il sensore IR per il telecomando. Sul lato destro l’uscita cuffia con jack da 6,3 mmLe finiture disponibili sono nera e il “classico” satinato Copland.  Amplificatori Integrati Stereo a Valvole Serie CTA Amplificatore integrato a valvole da 75 + 75 W RMS. Stadio preamplificatore a valvole (tipo 2x6072A/12AY7 e 2x12BH7), stadio finale a valvole (tipo 4xKT150) funzionamento in classe A/AB, componentistica superselezionata, trasformatore d'uscita lineare da 5Hz a 100KHz, ingressi linea e phono MM/MC, uscita cuffia con stadio di amplificazione, telecomando in dotazione.

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COPLAND CTA 506                                                             Listino ufficiale   4.300,00

Amplificatore finale di potenza a valvole. Potenza 2 x 90W a 8ohm. Design che impiega 12 valvole, 4 KT120, 2 6550, 4 12BH7 e 2 ECC81. Stadio di alimentazione ad alto voltaggio completamente regolato con trasformatore schermato a nucleo toroidale. Condensatori in polipropilene. Connettori d'uscita WBT dorati da 200A

The CTA506 power plant is based on the KT120 power valves. These valves are a new variant of the legendary 6550 / KT88 power valves. For more than half a century, these classic valves have been the foundation of numerous of high quality amplifiers and surely, they will continue to serve as one of the premium choices among manufactures of high-power valve amplifiers.However, nowadays KT120 is the most powerful dedicated audio tube in production. In comparison with the KT88, nearly 30% more power can be drawn from these impressive valves. With a plate dissipation rating of 60W, a pair of KT120 tubes in push-pull configuration can deliver nearly 200W of audio power. When used in circuit designs of more modest power outputs, the KT120 can deliver incredible quantity of headroom and dynamic without overloading. When output powers of more than 50W are going to be provided from a power amplifier, the input and driver circuits of the amplifier are confronted with a dramatic increase of current needed to supply the power devices of the amplifier. This is a reality regardless if the amplifier is based on bipolar transistors, Fets, or vacuum tubes technology, and no matter if single high power output devices are used for the design or if the amplifier employs multiple low power devices in a parallel configuration.Even though Fets-semiconductors and audio valves in theory are voltage controlled devices, these also require relatively low impedance driver circuitry with current capability, partly due to the increase of input capacities and partly due to the often neglected fact that also audio valves are drawing current through their input terminals. To prevent excessive loading of the amplifying stages of the amplifier, CTA506 employs efficient buffer circuitries as a method of partitioning the load from the amplifying valves. The buffers are current amplifiers with very low distortion and they do not amplify the signal, they only make it stronger. Another benefit from the use of buffer circuitries is that they allow low impedance DC-coupling between the driver and power valves of the CTA506. The CTA506 push pull output stages consists of a pair of marched KT120 in fixed ultra-linear configuration, giving the low distortion of triodes combined with the power of tetrode valves. A dedicated power supply for the input stages of the amplifier allows the massive central reservoir capacitors of more than 3000-microfarad to independently serve the output valves.In order to isolate power supply fluctuations of the power stage from entering the input and driver stages of the amplifier, the CTA506 employs active valve regulation by the use of two pieces type 6550 power valves, one of the valves dedicated to the driver stages only and the other regulating the amplifying stages with only a fraction of deviation from the voltage chosen to operate the valves in this application. The huge termionic power valves used in this construction are very attractive to look at; we have therefore decided to make them clearly visible by situating the valves behind lateral perforations on the front panel, thus creating what we consider to be a stunning design to mach the sonic virtues of this amplifier.ntrolled from either the COPLAND CVA306 pre-amplifier or the system remote control.

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COPLAND DAC 215                                      Listino ufficiale   2.200,00

Copland | DAC 215 Convertitori D/A Serie DAC Convertitore D/A stereo/Preamplificatore. Scheda di conversione D/A 32bit/384KHz Sabre ES9018 in configurazione Quad Mono (4 chip per canale). Riproduzione DSD64 nativo e DSD128. Stadio di filtro e buffer d'uscita a discreti in classe A. Ingressi: USB-B asincrono, 3 digitali (2 ottici, 1 coassiale), 1 analogico RCA. 2 uscite RCA una fissa e una variabile. Amplificatore d'uscita per cuffia a valvole in classe A. Preamplificatore a valvole in classe A con volume e selezione degli ingressi.

UNIVERSAL HIGH RESOLUTION DAC, PRE-AMPLIFIER, HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER The digital revolution has made music easily accessible. Thanks to the convenience and impressive sound quality of computer sourced digital music files, many audiophiles consider their personal computer or laptop as their primary audio source. Connected to a computer the DA215 will process audio data of extremely high resolution and the playback quality will be defined mainly by the data itself. The heart of the DA215 is an excellent D/A converter with multiple S/PDIF inputs, PCM, and DSD capabilities using the ES9018 Reference 32-bit DAC in quad-mono configuration, 8 mono to 2 stereo configuration. Combining four in-phase and four opposite-phase converters per channel, the statistical properties of the signals are taken to advantage; the signal power of the phases correlate and add-up in constructive addition, whereas the noise power of the phases are de-correlated, improving the signal to noise ratio of the resulting analog waveform. The class-A buffering technology of the analog filtering sections is borrowed from the highly acclaimed Copland CD-players and composed by discrete transistors producing a stunning sound quality with an unconstrained mobility and acceleration. The DA215 incorpor160311_Copland_63423ates an asynchronous USB input, tree S/PDIF digital inputs, an analog input, two analogue outputs (fixed and variable) and a complete pre-amplifier with analog volume control and front panel headphone output featuring vacuum tube gain stages. 160311_Copland_63508 You can use the DAC215 for headphones playback. However, you can also use it as a high-end pre-amplifier with volume control, using the amplifier RCA outputs. The volume control and pre-amplifier functionality can be bypassed for pure DAC mode. The DA215 USB input implementation is one of the most advanced available, featuring USB 2.0 PCM 24/32 bit data transfer to 384 kHz, including native DSD64 and high resolution DSD128. The input is converted to i2s and it is connected directly to the DAC chip. Once connected, th160311_Copland_63428 1e computer recognizes the DAC and routes the digital audio data to it, bypassing the source device’s internal audio circuitry. The asynchronous USB-B port connects to the computer’s USB-A port. No power is taken from the computer. The regulated power supply for the USB input section has its own winding of the power transformer and the noisy computer line is completely interrupted by the use of digital Isolators. SPECIFICATIONS D/A Converter Features: Quad mono drive with SABRE Ultra DAC DAC Digital Inputs: USB Audio: PCM 44.1~384K (24/32bit), DSD 2.8~5.6MHz (64~128X)  USB Input (PCM): 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz, 352.8 kHz, 384 kHz (16, 24, 32 bit) Windows Vista /7 /8 /10 (32/64bit)  USB Input (DSD): 2.8 MHz, 5.6 MHz Mac-OS X and Linux with UAC2 without drivers  COAXIAL/OPTICAL/AES /EBU Input: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz (16, 24 bit) S/PDIF Input: 1 x COAX / 2 x Optical. PCM 44.1~192K (32bit)  Minimum Jitter with Asynchronous Transfer DAC Analog Output:  DIRECT Mode RCA. 2.0 V rms. @ 0dBFS  Up to 384 kHz/32-bit sampling Frequency response: 20Hz~20 kHz (+/-0.2dB)  Class A analog section SNR DAC > 120dB  Amplifier Features: THD < 0.004% Shielded Power Transformer with Independent Winding, Isolated Power and Digital/Analogue Blocks Head Amp:  High Voltage Valve amplifier + Solid stage current buffer Valves: 2 x ECC88 / 6DJ8 / 6922  Analog Volume Control Output Head Amp / Headphones: max. 8.5 V rms  Output impedance / Headphones: 5.0 Ω  Output impedance / Line out / RCA : 100 Ω  Frequency response: 20Hz~100 kHz (+/-0.5dB)  SNR: 90 dB  THD < 0.02%  Gain Head Amp: 10 dB  Power AC 110~120V or 220~240V (50/60Hz) * Factory Settings  Power Consumption: 25W  Weight: 3.8Kg  Dimensions: 200 x 280 x 115 mm. W x D x H

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